Eagle Celebration: Early Birds Field Trip and Presentation

02/29/2020 07:15 AM - 10:00 AM MT


7:15-10:00am – Early Birds Field Trip and Talk: Join wildlife biologists for an early morning field trip searching for wild bald eagles and local waterfowl around Lake Mary. The Early Birds meeting location will be e-mailed to participants upon registration. Please arrive promptly so we can get out and find some eagles. Personal transport is required for the field trip (carpooling encouraged). Weather permitting; in case of inclement weather field trip will be cancelled. After the field trip, join us at Willow Bend Center for a presentation from Arizona Game and Fish biologists and an opportunity to view live eagles up close and in-person! Presentation is open to all ages, though this session is not specifically designed for young children.

Cost for the Early Birds program:

  •  $10/participant
  •  $35/family (2 adults + 3 kids)
  •  or FREE for Willow Bend Members*.

*Willow Bend members receive discounted or free admissions to our events and workshops. A Family Membership ( up to 2 adults + 4 kids)  is $50.  An Individual Membership (one person) is $35. You can sign up for a membership when you continue to the next page and register for the workshop, or by clicking here.